Saturday, January 7, 2012

Recreational Press of 2012

2011 brought many new life experiences, but it also launched blogging to the forefront of my social media awareness. I had been conscious of the blogging world for quite a while, but it wasn't until my cousin, while discussing some fitness facts, had expressed how religiously she follows her favorite blogs AND happening upon my favorite blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere, through good ol' Facebook, that I considered exploring this under-discovered world (well from my perspective anyway). These coinciding events are what started my addiction to blog "following" and my interest in starting one of my own.

I posted a select few over the year, but didn't really have a strong sense of where I wanted to take this new brand of digital community in my life. So, I continued to explore, gathering ideas and expanding my reading list. I found a few common themes of interest, food/nutrition, crafts/home redecorating, photography, travel, and fashion. However, I hadn't foreseen how daunting it would be to come up with a new post daily, let alone weekly.

So, now that 2011 has come to a close, my ideas continue brewing, and the new year promises a fresh taste of experiences, I'm deciding to let go of the pressures of "social media" and instead focusing on an opportunity to create an online dairy of sorts to motivate myself to explore new places and gain new experiences as well as remembering all that I have been through along the way. Stay tuned for my first goal of the new year also inspired by my cousin and one of my favorite blogs. I'm quite excited!!

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