Thursday, August 29, 2013

Neat Links

A few links I found this morning that I really enjoyed.

This one uses maps to express different facts and statistics about the world. #10 is my favorite, I just love the graphics and to see how much different countries rely on the internet. #36 is just hilarious!

This link is all about recycling or alternate use of the random items you can find around your house to make life that much easier.
I love the following:
5. I definitely have piles of wires in boxes and around my room that could definitely use a few tricks like this to make things look a bit more organized.
6. This just looks fun. Plus factor: If I don't feel like using all the batter at once it doubles as a storage container. 
7. There are just so many possibilities, you could turn your keys into a fashion statement.
12. I always lose track of the things I loan out. This is a good idea in theory, but I have a feeling that with the amount of photos I take, I'd probably lose track of that too.
18. If I can't see it, chances are I will forget it exists. This is a great solution!
33. This is just genius! 
34. One word: Yum!
36. I love onions, but can't stand cutting them. So curious to see if this actually works!
40. Ninja shirt folding? Nuff said!

If this link doesn't make you smile today, I don't know what will. Cute.

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