Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Age Of Photographs

I saw this image on an old post at Cupcakes and Cashmere yesterday. How nice would it be to have a suitcase in your room full of old photos? You could easily prop it open and travel down memory lane whenever you need a little pick-me-up, feel reminiscent, or just want to share some of your favorite moments with a friend.

Why would anyone want a suitcase full of photos? I have a phone for that, and where would I even put it?

I know, I know. The age of technology has all that covered, and compactly stored for your grab and go convenience. Like many things beneficial and convenient, this has a downside. On one hand, it's so easy to snap a photo these days, documenting any and all memories or moments to your heart's content. I can't complain here, I have 3000+ photos on my phone and those are just the ones I've taken within the past 6 months, after I replaced my stolen phone. The other good thing is you always have them with you, right there in that app waiting to be opened and scrolled through. That's just it, though. With photos conveniently stored in a device (you know that one you wouldn't know how to function in society without?), it is far less likely they will ever get printed. Not to mention that with the plethora of social media sites and apps enabling you to share your photos as you are experiencing these moments (which I admit is very handy when you do, say, get your phone stolen), why would you want to waste that precious time these app developers are giving back to you, with every life enhancing app created, getting photos printed? These sites and apps make it far more easy to share those moments with EVERYONE  all at once. Even that one person you met that one time, you know back when you visited that one place... You know, the one you met for like 5 minutes who you'll probably never speak two words to every again, but know everything about every life event they've spammed Facebook with? So, really, why worry about printing and displaying photos at home, right?

I used to have photos printed out and collaged all over my room with a stack of photo albums on my bookshelf. At night as I fell asleep I could glance around my room at my most treasured moments or pick up an album and flip through photos, touching them, holding the moments in my hands. This is hardly the case anymore. Most of the photos on display, totaling at about 5, are from 2007 at best, and those albums? They are packed away in a box somewhere from moving so much within the last 5 years. All of my most recent photos can be found on external hard drives, my phone, or online, keeping me more attached to these devices by day. However, there's just nothing quite like holding that 5x7 glossy photo of past memories you have long forgotten, or flipping through a pile of them for that matter. There's actually something quite nice about holding them, touching the paper, that connects you to the memory more deeply than swiping your finger across a screen. I miss that.

While technology does make certain things about life more conveniently accessible, allowing us more time to spend on other more important things, there are somethings, done the old fashioned way, that just can't be replaced.

And to answer your question about where you would put the suitcase? Good news! That suitcase, that was probably hard to find storage space for and is now awkwardly taking up space in your closet that you would probably rather fill with shoes, can be conveniently put on display as a bedside table. Very trendy these days.. How convenient!

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